24hourhomepage.com — Week 2 —100 ads for you

Justin Higgins
2 min readMar 9, 2021


tl;dr: I’ve gotten more published content on 24hourhomepage.com by offering an ad in my initial outreach. This week, I’m doing more of that and offering to create 100 ads for 100 products/services. Read more.

# Overview:

Every 👏 day 👏 is 👏 a 👏 good 👏 day.

Last week — week #2 in my journey to become better at selling and
marketing my work via 24hourhomepage.com — I focused on making
more personalized initial outreach.

So I started making people ads.

Lots of them.

Open your email, see an ad of your product.

If people like it, they can post it on 24hourhomepage.com and
reap all the benefits it brings.

If they don’t want to post, no biggie, they still get a gif they
can add to their social media, `<meta />` html tags, etc and promote their business.


The response? Overwhelmingly positive.

It’s more time consuming but people LOVE it.

# Discoveries of 24hourhomepage

Hamodom Thoughts, Hatchling, Projekt19, Lazy Jar ads on 24hourhomepage
  • AD6DM Hamdom Thoughts — “Smooth voice”-Dennis Mojado is podcasting about Ham radio, electronics, software and tinkering. 📡
  • Hatchling — Justine has created a habit tracker for artists. Consistency -> perfection. 🎨
  • Projekt19 — Chad Mueller is creating 19 projects in under 2 years. Ask him “why 19”? 💻
  • Lazy Jar — Justin created LazyJar to get you fit. The best part, you only pay if you DON’T meet your goal. 🏋️

# Learnings

  1. People appreciate the attention you put on your initial message.
  2. People also appreciate when you end the cold email after a few
    pings and no reply.

# Quote of the week

The difference between success and mediocrity is philosophy. Most salespeople think end of the month. But you have to begin thinking end of time.
— Jeffrey Gitomer, The Little Red Book of Selling

# This week

- I’m offering to create 100 ads for people and products. You’ll
get a pretty decent gif advertising your product or service. No
hard feelings if you don’t want to post it to 24hourhomepage.com. Enjoy the shiny gif!

- Finding more CREATIVE advertisers. 24hourhomepage really shines
when people put up fun images.

- Reaching out to journalists and press-minded folk.

# How you can help 👏👏👏👏

- Clap a bunch and share this article
- Share 24hourhomepage.com in any of your socially distanced social circles
- If you know a business that wants a creative ad, let me know!

Email: justin@24hourhomepage.com

Twitter: @justinprojects

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/higginsjustin/

Cell: (510) 393–6888



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