24HourHomepage.com — Weeks 24–28 — A long break for a new focus
tl;dr: I took several weeks off hard outreach on the product while interviewing for a new job. I’m joining a GREAT new consumer product and will continue to creatively grow 24HourHomepage.com
# Overview
I’ve been quiet since the Product Hunt launch. Really quiet. Almost entirely off the social internet. Why? Because I had to put all my energy into focusing on securing a new job. A long process but I’m happy happy to announce I’m joining a GREAT consumer product…but can’t say much more than that until we launch.
Rest assured, I’m still growing 24HourHomepage.com into the most creative online art project ever and will provide regular updates here.
Onward! 🚀
# Podcast interview 🎙
I had the great pleasure of being a guest on another podcast: Be Who You Want To Be hosted by Kandas Rodarte. If you haven’t seen/heard it, you should check it out!
We talked about the origins of 24HourHomepage, different use-cases for it and what I’ve learned so far.
Kandas is a positive, enjoyable person to talk with you’ll surely get something out of her discussions on entrepreneurship.
Check out our episode here!
# Quoka interview 🔍
Miriam Dorsett was an amazing Product Hunter for the launch there last month. She founded and heads up QUOKA an entrepreneur’s mental health messaging app.
We went over a load of mental health questions as it relates to 24HourHomepage and my entrepreneurial journey.
# Product Change: 3 seconds minimum
A quick note: some folks have called out that 1 second seems too fast to properly tell a fun story. There’s only one way to find out, change the minimum story size! This change take affect as of Sept 13th.
# This week
I start the new job this week so that will be much of my focus. I will reach out to directly to more affiliates and artists to get their involvement in the product.
# How you can help 👏👏👏
Question for you: When was the last time you stopped the train to momentarily shift focus?
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Email: justin@24hourhomepage.com
Twitter: @justinprojects
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/higginsjustin/
Newsletter: https://tinyletter.com/higgins
Cell: (510) 393–6888