24hourhomepage.com — Week 13 — Public talk at JS.LA

Justin Higgins
2 min readMay 24, 2021


tl;dr: Last week I prepared material for a big marketing stunt I’m running on Wednesday May 26th. On Thursday May 27th, I’ll be speaking at js.la about the journey so far.

# Overview

Last week — in my effort to make the best 24 hour “gif” on the internet and get better at sales and marketing along the way — I began preparing materials for a my talk at JS.la this Thursday and for a big twitter marketing stunt I’m going to run on Wednesday.

# JS.la Talk — May 27th

A little ad I made for the community at js.la

We moved to LA a few years ago. Not knowing too many folks out here I wanted to try to grow my sense of community I’d developed from 12 years in the Bay. JS.LA met me with open arms.

They are LA’s best Javascript meetup and a hugely supportive group. They organize monthly talks, monthly lunch meetings and educational workshops like NodeSchool.

Anyway, they always have interesting speakers and I thought the community would value my learnings so far.

Come hear me talk about the journey growing 24hourhomepage this Thursday, May 27th!

Stream it here: js.la/live

Watch the recorded broadcast here: JS.LA Youtube

# Twitter engagement 📣

After talking with expert marketer Ryan Rimsnider, I started thinking about engaging more with Twitter. I had been treating the medium as a place to “fire and forget” content. Sort a follow up to my posts here on medium. No good.

There’s loads of articles written on how to grow your impact on Twitter. The main idea is to just put as much help out there as you can. Answer questions, share resources, encourage development.

Utilize the “advanced search” tool. One that I’ve been using: Find me all questions submitted to #MarketingTwitter today that don’t include links.

”?” #MarketingTwitter until:2021–05–25 since:2021–05–24 -filter:links -filter:replies

Also, apparently #hashtags aren’t cool anymore. #Noted.

# Twitter marketing stunt 🤾‍♂️🐦

So engagement is maintenance marketing. This Wednesday I’ll be trying something new: stunt marketing. Without spoiling it, I have a campaign to reach out to interesting creators publicly on twitter. Sort of like my cold email strategy but more public and in a way that gives them value out of the gate. Stay tuned for next week’s update or follow along at @justinprojects!

# How you can help 👏👏👏👏👏

  • Question for you: Who is your favorite online creator?

Email: justin@24hourhomepage.com

Twitter: @justinprojects

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/higginsjustin/

Newsletter: https://tinyletter.com/higgins

Cell: (510) 393–6888



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