24hourhomepage.com — An experiment in advertising, sales and uncomfortable work
Hi, I’m Justin and I know nothing about sales and marketing.
I do know a bit about software development though. I’ve been a professional software engineer for over 10 years and helped build some great products and services. I love it. I love the process, I love the people, I love taking an idea from mind cloud to code cloud.
I don’t love how I’ve been thinking about communicating my work.
Let me explain.
My first time 🤓🌹
My first dive into solo-engineering-land was for a product called Selfless. A web service for sharing resources you have. It’s a great idea but my execution and mindset were trash. I was building it with a pretty large flaw: I didn’t want to “sell” or “market” it. I was convinced a better network would grow organically and so made zero efforts outside product work and demos.
That’s no good. That’s a trap.
You have to do uncomfortable work.
Right now, my uncomfortable work is sales and marketing but I don’t want to throw away my developer skillz™️ to join a salesforce.
I’ve leveraged them.
I’ve built something that gives people value AND forces me to work on only sales and marketing.
Introducing: 24hourhomepage.com
There are 24 hours in a day. That is 86,400 seconds. That is 86,400 opportunities.
Visitors of 24hourhomepage will see one-advertisement-per-second corresponding to the current second of the day. Each advertisement is rendered as a square image and is clickable to link to your website, product, shop, business, article, music video, portfolio, etc.
Once all 86,400 seconds have been published the project is over and the site lives on indefinitely.
So it’s an internet artifact?
Yes, exactly. In many years you’ll still see the same 86,400 ads looping every day. You pay for your ad once and visitors far in the future will still have a handle to your advertisement and URL.
So who will visit the site?
A captive & engaged audience.
Why do non-sports fans love the Super Bowl? People don’t like being sold to but they LOVE advertisements. I mean, geez, our movie trailers have movie trailers!
Visitors of 24hourhomepage are looking for interesting advertisements. You don’t need to fight for their attention, they give it. A creative advertiser’s dream.
How is this better than pay-per-click (PPC) advertising?
With 24hourhomepage, you buy your ad space once and own it indefinitely.
How do you get traffic?
I’m going to market this until my face turns blue.
You can track my efforts on this blog.
What about the quality of the ads?
All advertisements are moderated. We ask advertisers to make family friendly content. Any content flagged as offensive is taken down and the advertiser is not allowed back.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
I can’t promise you’ll get more traffic or more conversions or more revenue, but I can promise 100% satisfaction. If you’re not completely satisfied, I’ll refund you purchase. No questions asked.
“I don’t know what to publish”
I’m so convinced you’ll love the experience, I’ll even help you brain storm your advertisement. 🤔💭🏆
How do I sign up?
If you have any questions, reach out!
Email: justin@24hourhomepage.com
cell: (510) 393–6888
Newsletter: https://tinyletter.com/higgins